Discover AIGASCOPE's AI-enhanced rotoscoping animation service, the solution for producers looking to streamline post-production while creating animated films that they cannot afford until today.

The AI-enhanced cost-effective and visually awesome rotoscope animation service that aids producers in uncovering fresh opportunities

Our service assists producers who are keenly observing the growth of the animation market in Europe and wish to diversify their portfolio by exploring new opportunities but know how costly and risky it can be.

We understand that the animation market holds immense promise, but the traditional approach to it often poses a significant barrier to entry due to prohibitive time and cost commitments.

This constraint limits the opportunity for producers to tap into the potential of this market and enrich their catalogues with highly sellable products.

If you're a producer seeking new market opportunities, you've likely found yourself considering an animation project for your next production, given the financial appeal of this growing market. However, it's clear that with a traditional production approach, the costs and timeframes can be substantial, possibly causing youbandon this prospect.

We actually did it: Alien Holidays marks a global first in AI application to a full-length rotoscope animation film.

Coming soon to theaters. The first ever film in rotoscope animation generated with AI thanks to the AIGASCOPE pipeline.

At AIGASCOPE, we can assist you in unlocking new value for your budget through our AI-enhanced rotoscoping animation service. This makes the exploration of the animation market affordable even for those who have always produced live-action films.

How our service helps you.

Aigascope's pipeline leverages cutting-edge AI technology to simplify the creation process of rotoscoping animation films, reducing costs while ensuring control over the final outcome.

Get in touch with us to discuss and assess your project's needs

We support you in establishing your budget and discovering how AIGASCOPE can aid in mastering AI and reducing costs while empowering your director to attain the envisioned artistic outcomes.

We do this by collaboratively creating visual AI-generated content with you, providing cost and time estimates, and identifying practical solutions to facilitate crucial steps in the screenplay.

We help you make the right choices efficiently in order to achieve optimal results

You can choose between our already set pipeline, or we develop the most effective AI-based pipeline tailored to your project and provide essential support on the movie set.

This enables you and your director to make informed decisions swiftly and efficiently, ensuring the best footage for the AIGASCOPE pipeline and minimizing expensive adjustments in post-production.

We apply AIGASCOPE and you simply enjoy the final result

Our team of skilled artists, in conjunction with your staff will manage the entire AI rotoscoping process for you, delivering results and alleviating your project management workload. With our leading-edge rotoscoping animation service, you can collaborate with our team of experts to iterate on your project until it meets your needs.

It's not just about AI.

We believe in the power of a well-rounded team of artists and engineers collaborating to produce a high-quality final product, while concurrently offering the opportunity for smaller productions to explore new markets. 

Our pipeline service offers you comprehensive artistic and technical support to seamlessly integrate everything into your production, thanks to our network of trained and certified artists and technicians.

We walk with you through the entire post-production phase, integrating the most effective and focused expertise to secure the best possible outcome.

Who we are.

The Aigascope pipeline was born out of the collaboration between District Zero (VFX services) and Kiwifarm (R&D and Engineering services).

We synergize the expertise of a company adept in VFX with another specializing in technological innovation to shape a service. This service bolsters productions by deploying AI tools, meticulously tested and tailored to cater to professional demands. We are also dedicated to training and developing the next generation of AI-powered artists in collaboration with the best VFX artists in the world today. 

Our commitment is to incorporate the most advanced technologies, guaranteeing both efficiency and quality in every production setting.